
VALORAM Project 2020-2022

Project Visualizing and Enhancing Value Chains in the Amazon: understanding impact and promoting partnerships


VALORAM continues the research project on engaging community-based enterprises in global production chains, carried out with support from the Newton Advanced Fellowship UK, in a partnership between Professor Dr Diane Holt and Professor Dr Silvia Pinheiro, with research assistance from Diogo Viana, from 2016 to 2019. The VALORAM Project was run from 2020 -2022 in a partnership between FAPEAM, UFAM and Newton Fund UK, to give visibility to local productive arrangements in the Amazon. The videos present the history of the territories, peoples, main aspects, and obstacles to be faced by residents for the economic viability of community businesses. The oil, fish farming and community-based tourism chains were investigated in three reserves in Rio Negro and two reserves in Médio Juruá, Amazonas State. The project resulted in 4 documentary films about the production chains, presented at the Federal University of Amazonas, University of Leeds, Tumbira Community in the Rio Negro Reserve, Roque Community in the Médio Juruá Extractive Reserve. The videos were produced by SPinheiro Consultoria, directed by Nádia Pontes from DW Brasil and photography by Bruno Kelly from Amazonas).

The videos of the production chains and the workshop at the University of Leeds, are on the Youtube : SPinheiro Empreendimentos Comunitários.

Photo by: Bruno Kelly


Fishing in Amazonia

The video explores, with interviews and images, the practices of sustainable management of the pirarucu fish and traditional fishing in the Territory of Médio Juruá and Rio Negro respectively.


Juruá Oils

The video shows the evolution of seed oil production in the region, the production process, and challenges for the future through images of the harvest, agro-industry and interviews with community leaders.


Community-based Tourism

The video presents initiatives for community-based tourism in Rio Negro, which includes accommodation areas, and handicrafts, among other activities, reported by local people who lead the enterprises, as well as NGOs, professors, and local researchers.


Workshop University of Leeds

The video shows the debates held with post-graduate entrepreneurship Students at the University of Leeds, with Dr Silvia Pinheiro and Dr Diane Holt leading the discussions. This was a Hybrid event with UK students and teachers, researchers from different fields, and experts from other universities abroad.